Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there. Today can be tough though. Hard for the people who have lost their moms, for the women who desperately want a baby but it just isnt happening, and it is a tough day for the moms who have lost a child or baby. Those people need a little extra love on a day like today. I am thinking of everyone I know who fits in those tough spots. You are all amazing.
I am so blessed to be a mom to 3 kids, 1 in heaven and 2 right next to me. Being a mom is the best thing. At times it can also be the hardest thing and I am only 18 months into it. After I had Aleigh I worried about every little thing. I felt like I was always doing something wrong. I googled everything to see what was normal, what I should be doing and comparing my parenting to other moms. I felt like everywhere I went someone was watching and critiquing my mommy skills. I also felt like most other moms were comparing my baby with theirs as far as milestones go but also comparing personalities. If I said my baby is crying and fussing and won't sleep through the night they would say well you are doing this and this wrong like it was my fault when I was already doing everything humanely possible to change things.
I since have learned how ridiculous I was being. Every baby is so different and if they want to do something they will on their own time. With my 2nd child if the paci falls on the floor...that's ok a little bit of germs is ok for the body. If she doesn't sleep through the night...that is ok because she is a baby and one day will sleep so soundly she won't want to wake up for school. If she isn't held every minute of every day...that is ok because she still knows I love her even though she is not being held. If she doesn't have bows in her hair, or socks or shoes on her feet everyday...that's ok because she is seriously adorable without them and who needs shoes when you can't even walk anyways. We have to stop perfecting our kids and just let them be kids.
Mommy wars are ridiculous. Breast vs. Formula. Home school vs. public schools. Stay at home mom vs. Working mom. Baby wearing vs. Stroller riders. Baby led weaning vs. early solid feeding. Girls ears pierced vs. non pierced. Circumcision vs. not. Co-sleeping vs. Them sleeping in their own space. The list seriously could go on and on and on. We need to stop comparing with each other because for 1. What are we teaching our kids? To compare with others, like you aren't good enough. 2. Celebrate in your child because they were made in the eyes of God and they are perfect for themselves. Nobody is perfect and every person is unique, babies included. Let them be themselves and stop comparing.
In all honesty moms you are all amazing. Stop being so harsh on yourself. You are doing a fantastic job! Enjoy your kids while they are kids and the only way you can do that is by taking it easy on yourself. Being a mom is the hardest job, we worry, we want the best for our kids and that is what makes us so fantastic. I know I think I am pretty darn fantastic so start thinking those things about yourself. It can teach our kids to learn to have good self esteem and not rely on what others think of themselves.
Happy Mothers day! I love you mom, Oma, my 2nd mom Pam, and all the other mommas I know. You all rock!