Friday, November 7, 2014

Aleigh's birth story

Almost nothing goes as planned with 2 little ones. I am a planner and I can say that the girls have changed me. I still try to plan the day out but I now am very good at going with the flow when it doesn't work out. For example here I am writing this at 4am. Kea our dog decided through the night she needed to go outside 2 times now and is again letting me know the same. My 1 year old was also awake for an hour in the middle of the night. Thankfully this never happens anymore and I always get a full night uninterrupted amount of sleep.

Once I wake several times in the night it is really hard for me to go back to sleep. Today is Aleigh's 2nd birthday! To celebrate her day of birth I figured I would share her birth story with everyone as I don't believe I have done that yet. It is a funny story really.

Jake worked nights around the time Aleigh was born. I get a phone call at 5am from his work phone. I answer and get no response. This happens 3 times. I started to get annoyed as I am a pregnant woman who needs her sleep and why is my husband playing with me at 5am. Then finally I get a response. It was Jake moaning saying he was in so much pain laying on the floor in a fetal position while puking nonstop. He was saying he needs to go to the hospital. My husband never says things like this, so I jump out of bed. I rush in and wake up my mother-in-law, who was staying with us. She talked to Jake and it sounded like a possible ruptured appendix. We immediately tell him to call an ambulance.

We only have one car and he had it at work with him. His boss picks us up at home to take us to get the car so we can meet Jake at the hospital. It took us 2 hours to get to the hospital.

Since Jake called around 5am shortly after that my contractions started. I must have been so worried and stressed about Jake that it put me into labor. By the time I got to the hospital Jake was at my contractions were strong enough I knew this was it. But I did not want to deliver at this hospital, so I didn't tell anybody.

Finally the pain became readable on my face. The Dr. who was attending Jake looks over at me and back at Jake and says OK I know what is wrong with you, what is wrong with her? I tell him I am in labor.

Thankfully that Dr. told me I need to leave and make my way to the hospital I want to deliver at. Being in labor that also rushed them at getting Jake out of the hospital. He found out he had 2 kidney stones he was passing one of them.

Pam and I leave but I wasn't in my right mind at the moment and she didn't know her way around Hawaii as she was just visiting. I told her the on ramp to take us home instead of to the hospital. It takes us 15 minutes to turn around and go the right direction. By that time Jake called and was being released. We decided to go pick him up since we were at that exit and we have the only car.

Finally after awhile we were on the way to the hospital and once again Hawaii traffic didn't disappoint. It took maybe another hour to drive 15 miles! We arrived at 10am to Kapiolani Medical Center. They check me and I was at 5cm.

I waited two hours. At noon I was in too much pain so the Dr. checks and I was still at 5-6 cm. I decided to go ahead and get some type of IV pain medicine right after they moved me from the triage to the delivery room. Those wore off after an hour. It was then 1:30 and I was in so much pain I decided to try a hot shower. That was the best pain relief. It took my pain from a 10 to a 5. I stayed in the shower for 30 minutes. As soon as I got out the pain was immediately a 10 again.

I started to feel a ton of pressure so the nurse checks and I was at 8cm! I asked for more IV meds. It took them at least 30 minutes to get them to me because for some reason they couldn't get ahold of my Dr. Finally I get the drugs. They look again and it was time for Aleigh to be born! An hour later she was born at 4:18 pm.

The doctor gives Jake a hug and then asks him ok so what happened to you? Jake had a hospital bracelet on and his arm was bandaged from taking blood. He looked exhausted and almost sick. Jake told him he just passed a kidney stone and was taken to the hospital. The Dr. was laughing so hard. He said I always heard of sympathy pains from the father. Now you are taking it to a whole new level. I just love my OBGYN.

After 1 stitch, an hour of manually trying to get the placenta out with the doctors arm and lots and lots pain. The Dr. had to do a D&C . After losing lots of blood I was able to relax. They took Aleigh away though because my bleeding was a risk. I then didn't get to see her for another 4 hours. I was so thankful to be able to hold her for about 10 minutes before that. That moment was simply amazing and I won't even try to describe it. It is a moment that I will just remember and keep private for the rest of my life.

Aleigh is so healthy and happy. Jake was rushed to the hospital, gave birth to a kidney stone while I was rushed to a different hospital to give birth to a baby all within 11 hours. Jake and I are incredibly happy to be raising a beautiful baby girl named Aleigh Grace Madison.

The last 2 years have been so much fun with her. She is a sweet, silly, adorable, caring hard headed little girl. In my eyes she is just perfect. Happy Birthday Aleigh.

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