Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas cheer at the post office

I will never again go to the post office with both the girls unless Jake is there or they are much older. Yesterday I had to go mail off some packages. There was a huge line. I counted 17 people in front of us with only 2 workers, we were there for 45 minutes. About 30 seconds after walking in with the stroller and packages in tow Aleigh decides she was not happy and started to scream. Then 30 seconds after that Amelia decides she is hungry. So I tried to calm Aleigh first as I knew she should be the fastest to calm. I give her the paci, which didn't work so I then went for the sippy, it worked off and on. Then I made a bottle and started to feed Amelia. I then realized I never wrote the addresses on the packages and I didnt have a pen. So I then left Aleigh with Hannah, her 11 yr old Aunt and start to look for the pens attached to the counters. Each and every one was out of ink. This nice lady steps foward and says I have a marker you can use. I thanked her walked to a seperate counter to fill out the boxes all the while holding my baby, the 3 packages, and feeding her a bottle. Well the lady said I have a 22 yr old baby at home and I would love to help you by holding her for you. At first I said that's ok I can get it but she insisted and I was stressed so I said ok thank you and gave Amelia over. Then a minute later another lady steps up to me and says I have to leave and I know how stressful it can be would u like to take my spot in line. I said no I really wouldnt feel right cutting in front of everyone else. She kept saying its really ok but I said thank you it was a really kind offer but I dont mind waiting. Then I finish filling out the boxes, take Amelia back and go back in line to Aleigh and Hannah. The whole time I was there people kept picking up things that Aleigh or myself would drop they were just very kind. Made me realize just how many nice people there still are out there! Just thought I would share. Maybe one day I can pay it foward to a new mom and make her day a little easier.

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