Wednesday, July 9, 2014

A normal day

I woke up at 5:45 this morning. I probably could make myself fall asleep again at this point but I know my kids are going to wake soon enough, so instead I give myself some quiet alone time.

I then hear Amelia wake 30 minutes later at 6:15, screaming. I then realized yay! she slept through the night! She must be screaming because she is starving. I quickly run in the room to grab Amelia in hopes Aleigh will sleep in a little longer. Nope, Amelia rolls and wakes as soon as she hears the creak in the door.

Time for a diaper change. Amelia is in that stage where she now hates laying still to get her diaper changed or change clothes. So I do my best to distract her so she doesn't try to roll. I then change Aleigh.

By this time the girls were starving and cranky and I have only been out of bed for a few minutes. I make Amelia her bottle, give Aleigh some applesauce and sit down to a bowl of cereal. A few minutes later Amelia decided she doesn't want to eat and wants to explore instead.

I start to smell some stinkiness and I just changed diapers 30 minutes ago. Another round of diaper changes and baby wrestling to put that clean diaper on.

Meanwhile Aleigh has decided she wants to read some books. She loves reading it is her favorite thing and has been for about a year. Amelia on the other hand will hardly sit still for one book. I think OK we will read a few. No, she ended up giving me the cute face and making me read every single book she has. I counted 36 books! Some she only wanted to read a few pages in, others she wanted to read 4-5 times. Amelia practically explored the house while we read.

I knew Amelia was still hungry so I then went to feed her some cereal. Well apparently Aleigh wanted to read more. She then put up a fit. This toddler fit went on for about 10 minutes while I fed Amelia.

This is a time when a stroller comes in handy, distraction. But it was left in the car which is at Jake's work. We really need to buy a 2nd double stroller so I don't have to keep remembering to take ours out of the car. I decided to instead do some cleaning. Amelia now has separation anxiety so leaving the room makes her really sad.

I run to grab the vacuum so Amelia knows I am returning and didn't just disappear to never be seen again. The vacuum, Amelia loves it, Aleigh hates it. You would think Aleigh would be used to it by now. Sometimes she just looks slightly worried but it keeps her distracted. Today though, she screamed and wanted to be held. Amelia just wants to play with it as it goes by her.

Aleigh and I then go get the broom and swiffer. She loves helping me with this cleaning project. Today though she apparently really wanted the broom. I kept telling her to help me swiffer instead. Once I was done with the broom she didn't want to give up the swiffer for the broom. She gets her stubbornness from me, what can I say.

Amelia then decides she finally wants a bottle. Just kidding, a few minutes later she again just wants to play. We all finally get out of our PJ's 3 hours later and brush our teeth. Aleigh doesn't mind brushing her teeth sometimes it even makes her laugh. Amelia just had her first tooth pop through a few days ago. So far, she can't stand having her teeth brushed. I then leave the girls to try and "brush" their own teeth to go and brush my own. After I brush I walk in to the living room and see Aleigh sitting there with Amelia's toothbrush in her mouth and Amelia was fast asleep with the bottle in her arms. Oh man....I hope that one time doesn't give her a bottle-sleep association again.

I was hoping to put the girls down for thier naps together today to give myself some down time, nope. Amelia gets put in her bed and I rinse the toothbrushes. I guess sisters that young and close in age don't mind sharing germs. :-p.

I have been teaching Aleigh how to wash her hands. She loves it because it gives her a chance to play in the water. She ends up sitting in the sink and basically turning it into a pool. That's ok it gives me a 5 minute break.

Now that the girls are getting older I am able to treat myself to some amazing things like lotion. My skin was getting a little rhino like. :-/  I never put lotion on either of my kids just because their skin doesn't need it. Before Aleigh was born I bought some baby lotion so now I have been using it up myself. Johnson and Johnson has officially been tested on animals as of today. Aleigh thought it was a blast wiping it on Kea, who then went crazy trying to lick it off. Kea loves the taste of lotion, yuck.

We live on a really dry side of the island, almost desert like. I have been trying to keep what little grass we have alive, so I then water the grass. I usually do this while the girls are sleeping so we don't get muddy feet/doggy paws. Aleigh thought this was too much fun. We played for a little while with the water hose.

We run, we chase each other, we skip, we "jump", we hide from each other and we have snacks. Amelia then wakes up screaming. Poor girl she is still teething. Just the beginning of teething really. Aleigh and I then read a few books and she goes to bed.

Here I am writing this now. These girls are exhausting but I love spending my days with them. I am so blessed to be able to stay at home with them. I will look back on these days and know the financial sacrifices to stay at home were so worth it.

I have to go spend some one-on-one time with little Amelia now before Aleigh wakes up. She is such a sweet girl.

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