I was supposed to have been induced at 9am the day of my due date Tuesday November 5th. Instead Amelia decided to come on her own, well initiate the labor anyways. This is the story.
I was starting to get all the last minute preparations for going to the hospital. At 2:30pm Aleigh got hurt from a fall I got down on the floor to comfort her and thats when I felt my water leak out. I knew that feeling, I knew it was amniotic fluid and not anything else even though it didnt rupture. Its a feeling you just would never forget when it was a nightmare from your past. Well for 3 more hours it leaked another 4 times. I called the dr. He said to go get checked at L&D. I called Jake, he came and picked me up. Once I arrived they ran a test and within a couple mins. they came in and said you are definately leaking amniotic fluid. Also they asked if I knew I was having contractions. I had no idea! Apparently they were all 2-4 mins apart. They said the contractions are so close together we wouldnt have even been able to induce you tomorrow as planned because the medicine would make the contractions too close together.
So they admitted me. Then they had to start pitocin since the strength of my contractions were not strong enough. They started it at 9pm. They never could turn the pitocin up higher because my contractions the whole time were 1& 1/2 mins-4 mins apart, so I dilated slowly. I was 2-3cm dilated at 6am. I asked for some IV pain medicine as the pain was just awful. By 8 am I was at 5 cm and the pain medicine wore off so I made the decision that I needed the epidural since I was only 5cm and had a ways to go. I asked for more IV meds while I waited for the epidural. Those wore off before I got the epidural and the second layer of my amniotic sac completely ruptured so the pain increased. The epidural itself was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. The hard part was sitting still through the contractions. They then checked me again and I was at 8cm. By 11am I was at 9 cm and at 1pm I started pushing. Well the epidural they gave me was too strong. I would touch my leg and literally could not feel a thing. I couldnt feel any pressure, any contractions, couldnt even move the lower half of my body. So they turned the epidural off in hopesbi could push better. The pain then became unbearable. They were able to turn it back on just at a lower level. That was the perfect amount. Well after 2 hrs of pushing I got a fever. I broke down and demanded antibiotics after they said they werent going to give me any. After a total of 4 hours of pushing, the whole time the baby just wouldnt drop. My doctor reached in for the last hour of pushing trying to turn Amelia. Her head was not facing the way it should but it was also stuck under my pelvic bone. Everytime I would push the Dr. was able to turn her head 90 degrees but he needed to turn her 180 degrees to get her under my pelvic bone. After 4 hrs and getting an infection they decided she was going to have to come via c-section.
I was always extremely worried about a c-section. When the time came I was suprised that I wasnt too scared. I think I knew I was going to need a c-section all along. I think God was preparing me beforehand so I would be able to handle my emotions when the day came. For about a week before I went into labor I was a nervous wreck. I was thinking of all the worst case scenarios. It finally dawned on me why I was thinking all these bad thoughts. When I lost Ashtyn everything that happened was extremely rare, so the rare things are the things I would worry about. Also I was so incredibly happy with my life, I just felt like something bad had to happen I can't have an almost perfect life all the time. Well I was wrong. God wants me to have a life full of blessings , he doesnt want bad things to happen to me. Plus I realized He promised me the rainbows treasures will soon be mine. I just didnt realize it was plural with a second treasure. I was also so very wrong. My life was not close to perfect. Our family was not complete yet.
During the C-section I remember listening so closely to all the talk I just wanted to know what they were doing. I felt them moving me around a little. I was wondering if that was the pressure they always say you will feel thinking this isnt bad. Then they said here comes some pressure. HELLO! It didnt hurt at all but it felt like the doctor climed on top of my body then I felt the tug and heard Amelia cry. Our family was then complete! Then I heard some whispers about bleeding and get this medicine. Really fast I got a shot in the arm then several minutes later heard them say bleeding is fine. Then Dr. leaned over saying placenta is out. He knew I was worried about that pesky thing so that was nice he updated me. Then we got to see little Amelia. She looked absolutely beautiful just like I knew she would. She even looked a lot like her big sister. As the days have passed she is starting to look more like her own self. They had to keep a close eye on her since I did have an infection. I wasn't able to hold her for 3 hrs. She was completely ok though. God is so good! Now I have another sweet little girl I am blessed to cuddle all day and all night! It was a very difficult birth but it was so very worth it all in the end. We are in love with a little girl named Amelia Rose and our family is now complete. On to the adventures of a lifetime with our two Irish twins!