Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Today is the day

We go to the auction of our place today. Either we basically win the lottery and walk away with this place for no money at all, or we find out we have to move today. I am hoping for the first option.

We have not heard back about the job possibility in Dallas. The lady was on vacation all last week. Hopefully we will hear from them soon as we are still hoping it will work out.

Both the girls are starting to try to talk more. We decided to take the paci away from both of them except for when sleeping. They have both done really well. Aleigh's words still aren't clear but since she is actually trying to talk now is great improvement.

Amelia went to the Dr just over a week ago. It is interesting to see the differences between her and Aleigh. Aleigh had her 3&1/2 month checkup just one calendar day later than Amelia just a year ago. Their lengths were the exact same and Amelia was 1 oz more in weight than Aleigh was at that age. Very interesting. In some ways I feel like this year is on repeat as Amelia progresses on the same timeline Aleigh did last year.
Aleigh is becoming such a big help with Amelia. She will help roll her over when Amelia is frustrated. When I ask her to find me sister's paci, she finds and brings it to me. She has been helping me burp her for months now. When I say we need to rock sister she runs to the swing and starts rocking.

Yesterday I held both of them and read them a book. This was the first time I attempted this, and Aleigh sat there the whole time with a grin on her face and her forehead resting on Amelia, and giving her kisses. She sure does love her sister.

One thing I am still struggling with is finding the time to cook and clean. Aleigh is constantly making a mess. Our place always looks unrecognizable. I know it wont last forever though. Plus with all the sippy cups and bottles I have to wash. Look at the picture of all the cups and bottles. It fills up half of t
he deep sink we have.

I have been running for about 10 weeks now my goal is to run in a 5k in april. I am now at just over 2 miles so I still have a mile to go. I average about 12 mins a mile so I am pretty slow but that doesnt matter. It is getting frustrating though. I have been trying to lose this baby weight and with running 3 days a week and eating about 1300 calories a day I should be losing 1lb. a week. It has been more like 1 lb. a month, very frusrating.

Anyways, love to u all.

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