For those who haven't heard, we did not buy our place at auction. It was a learning experience. We went to the auction with a friend and a cashier's check in hand. There was one other property up for auction. It was a very laid back auction with only a handful of people there. For the 2 properties there were only 4 people there to bid, one of those 4 were us. Both properties ended up being "bought" by the bank that already owned the properties. We were the only one there to actually bid on our property besides the bank. The bank set the opening bid and it was set at $212,000. The place is only worth $10,000 more than that. That means the bank will now contact us before our lease is up the end of May and let us know if they are wanting to put the place up for sale or if they would want to rent it to us again. So until we hear from them we won't look for any other rentals.
We are also waiting to hear from Dallas. The person in charge there hasn't even decided to post the job yet, so it might be awhile yet. Or just another thought, since Jake and I have been together God has planned changes out so well for us. He will close a door in the most perfect timing, then immediately open another in such an obvious way there is no question in what we are supposed to do. Maybe the job will open up just in time for us to move the end of May so we don't have to step in another contract. Only time will tell.
As of the two mini loves of my life, they are growing and learning constantly. Amelia is now a roller queen. One second she is in one place on the floor and the next she is half way across the living room running into the furniture. She has also found her feet and loves playing with them. She has always been a fantastic sleeper, until 4 months rolled around. Now she fights going to sleep. Hopefully if I am consistent enough I can get her to start falling asleep on her own again. I really don't want to get into holding her until she starts to drift off like I still have to do with Aleigh. Thankfully they both sleep well once they fall asleep and are both good about going back to sleep if they wake in the middle of the night. Its just those transitions my girls have problems with.
Aleigh is getting better about talking. She still says mama, Dada and dad. But she has also added "hi" to the list several days ago. She won't say it too often just if she wants to. Hopefully over the next month she will add another word or two to the list so her Dr. won't worry.
Cute story of the week. Amelia was sitting in her little booster type chair that has toys around it. She loves that toy and was in it for about an hour. She then wanted out and was getting cranky. Aleigh and I were sitting on the floor playing. I said to Aleigh "We need to get sister out of her chair". Aleigh then runs over before I could even get up, grabs Amelia's hands and pulls her out of the chair and Amelia lands on her belly on the floor perfectly happy just looking up at Aleigh in awe. Goofy girls.
Starting on the 20th I am starting a new diet. I have never been into diets. I only wanted to work out, count my calories and try to eat healthier items. Well I have only lost 1lb over several months even though according to the amount of calories I eat I should lose 1lb. A week. Also running 3 times a week for 20-30 mins each time and still I am not getting anywhere. For about a month I was losing inches and lost about 11 inches total off my body but was not losing the lbs. So in a couple days I am going to test how I do with no grains of any type and no sugar of any kind for a month, along with the running and see if that helps. My Dr. tested to see if I have a thyroid problem and I don't so there should be no reason for me to not lose the weight. Wish me luck! I am addicted to my sweets and carbs so a full month is going to be hard! Haha
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