Thursday, December 26, 2013

First day by myself

Christmas was amazing this year! Family was way too generous. Aleigh and Amelia now have more than enough toys and stuffed animals and clothes! They should never get bored thats for sure haha. My favorite gift was a calendar jake made for me. It is full of pics of our small little family. Love it! Jake had off Christmas eve and Christmas which was a huge blessing, but went back to work today. Which means it was my first full day on my own with the girls!

It started off with Aleigh not sleeping well at all. She normally sleeps through the night great but she is teething so she woke up 2 times through the night for a total of 3 hrs. Then Amelia and Aleigh woke at 6:30am. Jake left at 6:45 so he didnt have time to help. Thankfully I prepared a little the night before and had Aleigh's breakfast ready. I ended up spoon feeding her at the same time as bottle feeding Amelia. This tends to happen for both breakfast and lunch they always want to eat at the same time. Then Aleigh played on her own for about 15 mins. but after that became super cranky since she is still teething so I gave her some medicine. Amelia also decided she was going to be a little cranky too. So it was like that until 9am when Amelia went to sleep from 9am-11:30am. Aleigh was exhausted still from lastnight so she took an early nap from 10am-12:15. I had some time for myself! So I made a freezer meal I had forgotten to make previously, I cleaned the kitchen counters, started 2 loads of laundry, took out the trash and ate lunch just in time for Amelia to wake up at 11:30 and eat. So I fed her then paid a bill, reply back to some text messages, watch about 15 mins of tv.while playing with Amelia just in time for Aleigh to wake up at 12:15. I get her lunch and feed her while once again holding Amelia. Amelia decides to take her 2nd nap at 12:45, wakes again at 1:30. I then play with Aleigh a little and do another load of laundry. Amelia wakes up and I feed her again and trade off holding Aleigh and Amelia as both of them just wanted to be held all day. Then Jake gets home and rescues me! :)

A few new things-
Amelia has started to coo over a week ago. She is so sweet. She just might be an early talker as she already respond so well when u talk to her.

Aleigh is now an expert at giving hugs and gives those huge open mouth kisses. It is so sweet. She loves hugging Kea and kissing her baby doll.

One day Amelia was sleeping on the couch and Aleigh grabs her baby doll and went and laid it right next to Amelia in the same position as Amelia and everything it was cute. Before I could get a pic she threw the baby doll on the ground.

I just thought I would record what a normal day might be like for me. All in all it was much easier than I thought it would be!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas cheer at the post office

I will never again go to the post office with both the girls unless Jake is there or they are much older. Yesterday I had to go mail off some packages. There was a huge line. I counted 17 people in front of us with only 2 workers, we were there for 45 minutes. About 30 seconds after walking in with the stroller and packages in tow Aleigh decides she was not happy and started to scream. Then 30 seconds after that Amelia decides she is hungry. So I tried to calm Aleigh first as I knew she should be the fastest to calm. I give her the paci, which didn't work so I then went for the sippy, it worked off and on. Then I made a bottle and started to feed Amelia. I then realized I never wrote the addresses on the packages and I didnt have a pen. So I then left Aleigh with Hannah, her 11 yr old Aunt and start to look for the pens attached to the counters. Each and every one was out of ink. This nice lady steps foward and says I have a marker you can use. I thanked her walked to a seperate counter to fill out the boxes all the while holding my baby, the 3 packages, and feeding her a bottle. Well the lady said I have a 22 yr old baby at home and I would love to help you by holding her for you. At first I said that's ok I can get it but she insisted and I was stressed so I said ok thank you and gave Amelia over. Then a minute later another lady steps up to me and says I have to leave and I know how stressful it can be would u like to take my spot in line. I said no I really wouldnt feel right cutting in front of everyone else. She kept saying its really ok but I said thank you it was a really kind offer but I dont mind waiting. Then I finish filling out the boxes, take Amelia back and go back in line to Aleigh and Hannah. The whole time I was there people kept picking up things that Aleigh or myself would drop they were just very kind. Made me realize just how many nice people there still are out there! Just thought I would share. Maybe one day I can pay it foward to a new mom and make her day a little easier.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Such great times

Jakes mom and sister have been here helping me take care of the girls for 2 weeks now. I have really really been grateful for their help as when they leave I will be all on my own for 9 hrs. a day. Jake's family is so awesome, along with my birth family of coarse but I am so happy they are my family too. Only one more week of fun and they will have to leave :(  that is one major disadvantage to living in Hawaii.

We have been doing our share of Christmas celebrating lately. First we went to watch Kapolei's Christmas parade. It was Aleigh's first parade and she just LOVED it. She pointed at everything, waved at people and danced to all the music. Most of all she loved the drums in the marching band. She just might be a band nerd like her momma ;). After the parade was over we waited until most people started to leave as we werent in a hurry. Well Aleigh then thought all the people walking past us on the sidewalk were apart of the parade so she kept waving at everyone as the walked past and they just waved back. Such a sweet girl :).

The next day we went to take pictures with Santa. Amelia slept through it just like she sleeps through everything right now while Aleigh screamed her head off. Lol poor girl. It will be a fun time to look back on though.

Tonight we went and looked at the Honolulu city of lighys. Its a cute little display. Aleigh really lover all the lights. She really is just too much fun at this age.

Today Jake and I went on a movie date for the first time in over 13 months! We saw the Hunger games sequel. It was soooo good made me want to desperately go and get the 3rd book to find out what is going to happen, but when will I have the time to read anything? Anyways it was really nice doing something just the 2 of us with no responsibilities of children for a couple hours. Love that man!