Sunday, February 23, 2014


Lately Aleigh has been throwing fits daily. It is not fun! She will scream her little head off for oh about 10 mins. before she calms down. It will be for all sort of different reasons like changing her diaper, not giving her something she wants or not paying her attention. Yesterday she was mad I was feeding Amelia and not able to hold her after a diaper change (which she hates) so the whole time I fed Amelia, Aleigh screamed at the top of her lungs while rolling on the couch next to me. Jake and I are still talking about how to handle these breakdowns. So far we just say screaming is not acceptable and I will talk to u when u are through then we ignore her until she stops since most of the time it is our attention she wants and we dont want her to think oh I can just scream to get their attention. My Dr. mentioned time out but I am not too sure how to do that at her age. I think she would just keep following me, and with my hands also full with Amelia I feel like that could get complicated. I know some do time out in the crib but wouldnt that make them think bedtime is punishment? I want Aleigh to only think of bed as a good thing.

Anyways to some cute things. Aleigh's new thing to do is to take out Amelia's paci then put it back in, then take it out, over and over again. Sometimes she will try to put it in her nose or her eye if I don't catch her fast enough. Oh boy. Haha Amelia most of the time doesn't even mind this game she just thinks Aleigh is fascinating to watch.

Another fun fact is Amelia thinks pat-a-cake is funny and Aleigh likes to do the motions along with us. I have made up a different more logical version of pat-a-cake and am now wondering if that was a bad idea. At costco the other day a lady was trying to play the game with Aleigh and Aleigh started to do my version of the game lol. I am worried she is going to go to school one day and show everyone my version and not know the normal version. Hmmm

So this next saturday jake and I are going to go see the Lion King show. Should be fun to see. It starts at 8pm so we are hoping Aleigh will go to bed by 7 and stay asleep for my friend Nikki as she doesnt do well with other people. She has known Nikki since she was born and sees her atleast every other week sometimes more. I dont understand her stranger anxiety especially since Nikki is not even a stranger. Hopefully it will somewhat end as time goes on and hopefully she will just sleep well that night.

This sunday we are going on a whale watching hike with our small group from church! It should be fun it is a group with two other families. One family has 2 boys, one close to Aleigh's age. The other family has 3 girls, one also close to Aleigh's age. Very blessed to know them all. Should be a fun hike!

Then not this tuesday but the next is the auction for the place we are living in. It should be interesting to see what happens.

The weekend after the auction the 4 of us are going on a trip to the big island! We will see a black sand beach, a green sand beach, stay in a tiny cabin in volcano national park, see a waterfall, visit the southern most point in the US, and stay one night and day on a pretty beach. It will be nice. We have never went on a vacation just us before without visiting friends or family so this will be different than most our trips. Only 3 nights but it should be fantastic!

The next two weeks will be a blast and hopefully sometime in those 2 weeks Jake will hear back from the job in Dallas!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


What is going on in the kids world? Amelia has been rolling from her back to her belly for almost a week now! I think its funny how she used to not like belly time until she could put herself on her belly, now she all of a sudden loves it. She only gets frustrated when she can't roll back to her back, but soon enough she will get there. It is interesting Aleigh learned belly to back before back to belly. She is 14 weeks old as of yesterday! I might even retire her 0-3month clothes today and try to sell them and use that money for 24 month size clothes for Aleigh.

Aleigh is now 15 months. She had her dr. Appointment a couple days ago. She is growing great. She is starting to lose her baby chub which is a little sad. She is now back to the 50% for height and weight. She really does NOT like the Dr. She just cries and cries and cries. I don't think the years of dr. Appts will be fun with her. Aleigh is also getting her 8th tooth in so she is very cranky, she doesnt do well while teething.

Now for the major life events. The place we are living in is going to auction the beginning of March and if it sells for cheap we just might buy it. You have to have 10% down so it would have to sell for under $90, 000 for us to buy it. It is estimated worth is $220, 000 so that would be an amazing deal! We have lived in it for 1&1/2 yrs so we know all the issues with the place. Really only small things would need to be fixed. So we are trying to figure out all the details with that to make sure it is a wise investment. Second, Jake could possibly be getting a job in Dallas, at the dallas aquarium. His coworker worked there for many years and moved up in the company. He called for Jake and talked to the person in charge and even though there isnt a position open they are very interested in him and will talk to the owner and see if they will open a position for him. They already know what position he would work in and everything. So our lives right now are in limbo. We have no idea what will happen. It could be neither and we have to just find another rental, it could be Dallas and we get pre-approved and try to immediately buy a house there, it could be no job but this house we are in now and we would own it until we move than sell it for close to what it is worth at that time. Or both this house and the job happens! Yikes! That is the scary but exciting one.

It could be such a good deal to buy this house so we cant pass it up. We are informed that if nobody else bids we could walk away buying it for a dollar. But if it was to go for our maximum amount then we took out every penny of our savings. The nice thing is apparently we will get our rent back for the last 3 months though so then we could use that towards moving costs. But the other desicion is if we buy here should we rent it for a couple years as the rental market is amazing in hawaii or do we immediately turn around and sell it. If we sold it for $200, 000 we could turn around and use that extra money for a nice house in dallas. That is what I would prefer to do but time wise I dont know how it would work out. Plus the possibilty of owning a place with no incoming rent and paying rent for another place in dallas is a little scary even though the mortgage for the auction house would be so little.

Please be praying for us as this is a true test for us to trust God in what he is doing. We are blind to many things and those things are all going to happen around the same time. The auction is in less than 3 weeks. If we dont get it we have less than 60 days to find another rental. The job in Dallas will probably let us know within the next couple weeks if they want him but apparently would want him very soon if they do. If that is the case then we have to either sell or transport all our stuff to Dallas and find a place to live there.