Saturday, July 19, 2014


I think I need to let myself relax a little. I am getting sick. A stay at home mommy of an 8 month old and 20 month old just isn't allowed to get sick. Today I layed on the couch the entire 2 hr nap both the girls took together and just read a few magazines. It was nice and well needed.

Poor little Amelia is teething and she has been a sad little baby when the medicine wears off her little self. It has been extremely hard getting her to drink a bottle. She is basically eating like a newborn right now. She is loving her solids though. I think it is because the spoon feels good on her gums.

Today she learned a fun new trick. She now LOVES to spew her food all over everything every time she takes a bite. She thinks it is hilarious. I was covered in spots of baby cereal this evening. Aleigh also thought it was funny and decided to take her drink and also spew it all over the couch. Nice. They must get it from Jake. :)

After cleaning up spewed juice and cereal they then took a bath. I thought a bath was when you clean up. Apparently you actually walk away having to clean more. Haha. Aleigh peed in the tub so I asked her if she wanted to go on the potty. She made her yes gesture. I then start singing to her the "this old man" song. Well when it comes to the 4 part I knocked on the door. This made Kea go bezerk which made Aleigh almost have a heart attack and sit in my lap. I then get Amelia out of the empty tub and guess what happens. Aleigh peed on the floor. So I ask her if she wants to go back on the potty. She says yes, so on she goes. In the meantime Amelia pulls to a stand on my shoulder. Within 20 seconds she pees all over my leg. I get up, Aleigh wants down so I help her, I wash Amelia and I off. I look over and there Aleigh was peeing on the floor again. I had a lot to clean up! I didn't realize how dirty kids are until I had 2! But I love 'em.

Another note, Jake has an interview with a job in Salt Lake city Thursday. Be praying he is confident in himself and he is sharp with answering questions. I know he will do great though. It is a job we are really hoping for as long as it is what God wants. So far Jake has turned down 2 jobs. The only way this one would be turned down is if it doesn't pay enough.

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