Friday, October 3, 2014

30 days of real life mom moments

I came across a lady's blog and she is taking a challenge to write about an every day mom moment, to record those moments that leave us moms shocked, pulling out our hair and sometimes at the point where all we can do is laugh. I am going to take this same challenge because these moments right now might seem stressful but one day I will miss these crazy times and with two little ones these days can be crazy.

Day 1: We drove to a beach on the other side of the island in hopes the girls would enjoy seeing some sea turtles, since Aleigh loves animals. Negative. We strapped them in their car seats, listened to the same few songs over and over to make Aleigh happy. She is very sad every time her favorite songs end and let's face it, sometimes it is just best to keep them happy. We pull up at the beach and there aren't any sea turtles soaking up the sun.

Aleigh is not a fan of the ocean right now, she hates it really. As soon as we find an ant infested place to sit she immediately starts pointing to the area we came in signaling she wanted to leave. She is very good really about remembering small details like where to leave any situation she is uncomfortable in.

We decided to wait a little bit to see if any turtles would come up on the beach, and to see if Aleigh would warm up to the idea of the ocean. Negative, she had to be held the whole hour we were there. Amelia on the other hand is like me in the sense that she somehow always gets covered in sand every time we are near a beach. That little girl really enjoyed herself and for that reason the drive was all worth it, turtles or no turtles.

Stay tuned for the other 29 days.

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