Friday, April 18, 2014

Elevators and new friends

I have to say I have the sweetest little girls! Yesterday we had to spend an hour at a Dr. appointment and Aleigh was so well behaved. We spent about 30 mins. waiting in the waiting room and she just sat in a chair by herself the whole time quietly watching and smiling at everyone a couple times she wanted to get on and off the chair again. The next 30 mins. we spent running the halls and taking the always fun elevators. Everytime the elevator door would open she would run for it. Yikes! A year from now I will have 2 kids bolting this way and that. She made probably 50 friends in that 30 mins. She used to have bad stranger anxiety where if someone just looked at her she would cry. Over the past month it has gone away completely. Now she just gives everyone the goofiest grins she can muster up.

Amelia just had her first little bit of carrots, her first vegetable, and loved it! She has also started babbling a little and is talking up a storm these days. Yesterday we were trying to watch a movie but we couldn't hear most of it because she was just gabbering away. So cute. I believe she is trying to catch up to Aleigh.

Aleigh is getting there on the talking. Her words still don't really sound like words but I can tell what she is trying to say by the actions she is doing. Sometimes she will say dow-while getting down off something. She will say ah da-when she is all done with her food. She has said Bayaya while pointing to her favorite food, a banana. She will sometimes say yeah when i ask her a question. She has said mil several times while standing with her hand on the fridge wanting milk. Those are the words she has added in the last month. At least we are getting somewhere! So proud of my girls!

On Wednesday we will be in Tulsa! I cannot wait to see everybody!

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